If you’re seeking top-tier B2B lead data, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the options available to you. We get it. A quick search yields countless ads and search results of companies offering access to lead data. Before you make a decision, be sure to partner with a provider offering comprehensive data that meets your needs. We’ve created a detailed guide outlining the essential data you should access. With this data in hand, you and your teams will be armed with quality intelligence that helps you deeply understand B2B buyers and refine your prospecting lists.


Basic Contact Details

To start, you’ll need to ensure each contact has basic information so you can reach leads effectively. The contact details should also provide a high-level overview of the individual’s role at their organization and other insights that allow you to personalize your outreach and campaigns to maximize your efforts. The more granular the data, the better your precision and accuracy in crafting messages, emails, and other communications.
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Company Website
  • Company Industry/Vertical
  • Company Size (Number of Employees)
  • Company Revenue/Annual Revenue
  • Company Location (City, State/Region, Country)
  • Work Email Address
  • Work Phone Number
  • LinkedIn Profile URL
  • X/Twitter Handle
  • Decision-Making Role/Authority Level (Decision Maker, Influencer, etc.)


Firmographic Data

Firmographics are similar to demographics, but rather than looking at a person’s details, you’re looking at those of an organization, like industry, location, and company size. Leveraging firmographics for B2B segmentation empowers you to create a precise customer profile, enabling targeted market engagement with tailored content. While firmographic data alone may not yield the most relevant content for your buyers, it’s a great place to start your segmentation process.
  • Company Name
  • Company Website/Domain
  • Year Company was Founded
  • Company Revenue/Annual Revenue
  • Company HQ (City, State/Region, Country)
  • Location(s) Served
  • Industry/Vertical
  • Industry Classification Code(s)
  • Primary Products/Services Offered
  • Company Size (Number of Employees)
  • Rankings (Fortune 100, Fortune 500, etc.)
  • Company Ownership (Public, Private, etc.)


Technographic Data

Technographics empower you to pinpoint leads and organizations based on their technology stack. There are many categories of technographics your database of choice should thoroughly provide. At Predictiv, we offer insights into 40,000 technographics across a variety of unique vendors, products, and services. All of which you can filter by within our platform.
With advanced technographics, you can identify leads that best align with or complement the solution you’re selling. Technographics also enable you to identify potential buyers currently using a competitor’s product.
For marketing teams, technographics can help shape messaging for campaigns or serve as the foundation of competitive displacement campaigns while sales teams gain a competitive edge by leveraging technographics to build high-quality lead lists poised for your solution.

Software Used

Among the many technology, IT, and software companies we often collaborate with, the majority benefit greatly from gaining insights into the software their target buyers use. Leveraging a buyer and account data platform allows you to pinpoint a vendor or specific product for each software type with precision, including:
  • Browser Type
  • Browser Version
  • Office Suites
  • Email Provider
  • Cloud Storage
  • Accounting Software
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Project Management Platform
  • Communication and Collaboration Tools
  • Document Management System
  • Human Resource Management (HRM) Software
  • Analytics Platform
  • Data Visualization Software
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Tools
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Enterprise Social Networking (ESN)
  • Customer Support and Help Desk Software
  • Security Software
  • Backup and Recovery Software


Intent Data

Intent data empowers you to identify in-market buyers by analyzing behaviors that align with strong purchasing intent. At Predictiv, we provide comprehensive insights from the industry’s top intent data providers and integrate our proprietary first-party intent intelligence. This fusion results in an unparalleled unified intent score you can’t find anywhere else.
Unlike other B2B data types, intent data examines how and why buyers act the way they do, so it can be difficult to compile a one-and-done checklist of what insights you need. That said, your intent data provider should offer a fully customizable solution that allows you to configure intent topics for highly tailored prospecting and lead management. With the right combination of first-party data and third-party data, your intent solution will empower your sales and marketing teams to focus on the right leads with powerful messaging served at the perfect time.

Predictiv’s Prospecting Platform Lets You Explore All These Data Points And More

Our intent-powered buyer and account intelligence platform is more than just a place to purchase B2B leads. We deliver the data-driven insights you need to stay ahead of the competition and drive success.
To truly grasp the full scope of our platform’s data capabilities, you have to experience it for yourself. We’d love to show you around — schedule a free demo today!